Imergo’s ethics and values statement


This statement applies to everyone we employ or have business relationships with. This includes individual people such as employees and associates, but also suppliers or clients.

Our business ethics

We will use the following basic principles of working and operating ethically:

Integrity and honesty: We will be honest and transparent in how we act in ways that impact other people (e.g. taking business decisions) and expect the same in return. We will not tolerate malicious, deceitful or petty conduct.

Conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest may occur whenever an interest in a particular subject leads to actions, activities or relationships that undermine our company, our stakeholders or our delivery partners. This includes situations like using one’s position, authority or company resources for personal gain. Our approach to managing conflicts of interest is to either remove the conflict or declare it so that it is transparent to others. It is our expectation that our stakeholders and delivery partners will operate similarly.

Lawfulness: We commit to follow all laws, rules and regulations which apply to our organisation. When preparing contracts, clauses, disclaimers or online copy that may be governed by law (such as consent forms), we will seek and apply the appropriate legal advice before finalising anything. This includes matters of confidentiality and privacy and we will not expose, disclose or endanger information of customers, employees, stakeholders or our business. This is also covered in more detail in our privacy policy.

Virtues and Values

We make the distinction between virtues and values. We see virtues as elements that relate to our company’s character and values as qualities that describe our company’s personality. We believe that virtues represent the unmovable and unchangeable foundation on which our values are built.


Prudence: we commit to knowing and applying the nature of the good and the bad, and what ‘appropriate action’ is in each situation; we strive to communicate the truth appropriately to others, honestly but tactfully.

Justice: we aim to be kind and fair and apply the distribution of proper value to each person based on the concept of ‘fair distributions.’

Moderation: this to refers to independence and propriety but also to self-awareness; it entails knowledge of ‘what is to be chosen, avoided, or neither.’

Courage: we will adopt a way of thinking and acting that is unmoved by fear, threat or uncertainty; that uses the ability to apply correct and intelligent thinking in risky situations.


People before process – enterprises need first-class systems and processes to get things done to high standards, but a tendency to trust technology and systems first, reduces and diminishes the ability for people to contribute their ideas, know-how and judgement in a meaningful and valuable way. Our work starts from a human, people-first position: we put trust in people and their needs ahead of technology and process.

Think, behave and act collaboratively – we recognise the ‘wisdom of crowds’ and that we are more effective when we work together. Better outcomes arise when we seek and share experiences and know-how with others and when we use a diversity of views and opinions to drive understanding and improvement. Differences and conflicting views should be used positively and constructively to create new or better decisions and outcomes. We are not limited by boundaries that define our ‘organisation’ and actively seek the contributions of our partners and stakeholders.

Engage the head, the hands and the heart – We want our work to be valuable and stimulating intellectually (head), creating insights and ideas. But we believe that true change and improvement comes from engagement, both physical and kinetic (hands) as well as igniting what people care about in their work and their sense of purpose (heart). This is where knowledge, ideas and insight of real value happen and where genuine engagement and commitment occurs. Our products and services are designed to be meaningful, visually impactful and easy to use and handle; we embrace the concept of ‘craftsmanship.’

A mindset of curiosity and risk-taking – Ours is a world of testing, feedback and experimentation. We are inquisitive and curious; we are critical friends who ask questions to gain insight into the true nature of something as a basis for how it can be improved. We practice and promote the idea of intelligent risk-taking to create and protect value, both for our clients and how we work at Imergo. Risk is not just a threat to be mitigated but an opportunity to grow and develop.

Thinking and acting sustainably – we recognise that our planet has scarce natural resources and that we need to act and behave responsibly and carefully when using them. Given the choice, we will always take the option that has no, or the least, impact upon the environment. We adopt and promote the principles of reduce, re-use and re-cycle.